Friday, May 29, 2009

Do You Like To Sing? Just Join In

( To the tune of The Beverley Hillbillies )

Come listen to a story about a man named Jed
A poor MLM'r who's business was in the red
And then one day he came across a book
Said "what the heck" it won't hurt to take a look

Success that is...Ten steps....Easy read

Well Jed jumped up and said "it's not my fault
That my business is not growing and it's grinding to a halt"
He truly had discovered... the biggest mother-lode
He applied what he learned and his business did explode

Grew that is...Bigger checks...Lots of fun

Well Jed had found a system that he could teach downline
His distributors were making money and they all were feeling fine
If you wanna do the same and have the same success
Just click on the link and do what you do best

Read that is...Apply the info...Teach your people

Copyright 12/07/08
Donnie Norton

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Never ever ever lie to a prospect

This blog comes from experience. There was a time in my business when I would be asked by a prospect "how much money are you making?" or "how many do you have in your downline?"
I had been in business about a year, was making no money and had no downline. My answer was usually "oh about $1000 per month and I have a downline of about 50 people." I lied because I desperately wanted someone to join my business and I wanted to avoid the embarrassment of telling the truth.

The reality of Network Marketing is that sometimes it takes a couple of years before you truly understand how to build a business. People do not get into this industry because of a great Compensation plan, a fantastic product or Fortune 500 management.

Network Marketing is a people business. A prospect will join with you because they have gotten to know you, like you and trust you. I had to find this out the hard way by getting beat up enough in other companys. You on the other hand do not have to go through what I went through. I discovered a free book online that taught me how to build relationships with prospects.
Please remember one thing, a prospect will always join when they are ready, in their time not yours.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How To Develop A Simple Network Marketing Business Plan

Why do most people fail in Network Marketing? They usually do not have a viable, working business plan. The majority of distributors in Network Marketing are part time people, yet have no idea how to set up a part time business. For many years I had a part time business that I worked in my spare time. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. I had to learn the hard way that to be successful I had to set up certain days and times I would work my business, and stick to those days and times. So how did I set up a business plan that would work?

First I called a friend of mine that was already successful and asked her how she set up her business plan. Here is what she told me.

"Where do you want your business to be in two years. If you want to be earning $5,000 per month in residual income, you will need to figure out how many distributors you will need in your business to reach that income." For me that number was 175 distributors but will vary from company to company. Some will be as high as 10,000 distributors and the industry average is 1300. I had my numbers so what next? Her reply was "This is Network Marketing so you will only have to personally enroll about 12 distributors. There are 24 months in two years so you will need to divide 12 by 24." My answer was 0.5, so I knew that I would need to personally enroll 0.5 distributors per month to reach my desired income. Then she said "there are 4 weeks in a month so divide that number by 4." The result was 0.125 so I would need less than 1 distributors a week to be able to retire. Then she said " how many prospects will you need to talk with to get that 1 distributor?" Probably about 20 prospects. Her reply was "divide 20 by 7 as there are 7 days in a week." This worked out to 2.85. That's how simple it is, I only had to talk to 2.85 prospects daily to be able to retire in 2 years. Maybe your presentation is better than mine and you only need to talk to 1 people per day. The main point is to have a business plan and commit to that plan.

Donnie Norton

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wanna Have Real Success? Just Change Your Mindset

For may years I did not understand why I was not successful in Network Marketing. I was doing everything my upline told me. I made my list of 200 people, I got my 100 no's, I was buying leads but nothing was working. It was not until 15 months ago that I discovered that the companys I was with had made it impossible for me to become successful as a part time distributor. I never realized that when talking to prospects I was doing it for selfish reasons. I wanted people to join my business so I could be successful. I had to totally change this mindset to one of helping the prospect. I had to completely believe that the products my company had would benefit my prospects. I had to believe that my company would benefit my prospect, their family, in more ways than a financial gain. I had to believe that I was truly helping others. I read a definition of success somewhere and I would like to share it with you.

"Success is not defined by the amount of money one has, success is not defined by the amount of material things one has, success is not defined by the status one has, it is defined by making someone else's life a little better by you being a part of their life."

Donnie Norton